Monday, February 27, 2023

Final Day of Planning!!




  Today in class I got to meet with my final cast and schedule days of filming. Our Caleb for this film will be played by Martin Rosario, he is a great friend of mine and I think he could do a great job for this opening. With my cast, we also talked about the days we will be filming the opening. Since this week is a little hectic because there is SAT testing at our school, we have chosen to film part of it on Friday March 3rd. 
I have shared the script and mood boards with them through a chat so that should help with the outfits they should be wearing and their color pallets. 

Tittle fonts

I had the opportunity to work on the font of my tittle today in class as well, I had a little bit of a struggle figuring out how I wanted to look specially because there are so many ways I could have gone with this, but I went with a similar bubble letter title with little sparkles on the side. 

For right now the 2 main titles that are very hard to choose from is the middle and last one. They are both very similar, obviously, but the fill in letters versus the non-fill in letters make it a little difficult to figure out which one I should do. 

I am planning on getting different opinions from my peers at our next group meeting or when I meet with my counselor. 

Special Effects:

I have recently installed Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop onto my laptop in order to crop out the tittles but to also crop out an image of the effect I want to create within my film. 

I have been scouting through different parts of social media and the internet to find a type of butterfly drawing that I though best suited the opening of my film. So far, I am planning on using these butterflies I found on google but I might end up changed it to a different object since it might be hard to animate. 


Sunday, February 26, 2023

Almost at the End of Phase 1


        To be completely honest, I am not the best script writer. But from what I have made for this opening film it isn't horrible. I believe this script captures everything exactly as I want for my film since this scene is fairly basic compared to other complex film openings. 


        I have honestly been thinking about the tittle for this film for so long that I still had no idea what I wanted to call it until literally 2 minutes ago. When I do schoolwork, I like to play music in the background because it's just a way for me to concentrate on my work and fully finish it without being distracted by outside noise. 
        While I was writing this blog post, I was listening to Coldplay's 2000's album Parachute. I was also researching descriptions of how people when they fall in love.

The first line from this google search really made me think about specific words that match that description. I started to think different words like heartstopper, uplifting, safe, secure, but obviously none of those would have been a tittle that matched the idea my film is trying to execute. 

While I was thinking, the song Sparks by Coldplay started to play, and that is when it hit me. Sparks is the perfect name for this film because it includes all the elements of love at first sight, and it ties back perfectly to the effects I want to incorporate into the opening when Ana and Summer first meet (I am so smart OMG). In my next blog post, I will be discussing scheduling with cast members along with changes of project that will probably be made. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Finishing up Planning

 YAY Almost at Production :))


    I am very happy to almost be getting to our production stage of this project due to the fact that that is my favorite part of every film project is the filming. Our storyboard starts out with an Establishing drone shot of Cypress Bay indicating the environment of where the story is taking place. Then it's going to shot kind like a montage of different Medium and Close-Up shots of the school including people in class learning, lunch, people going to class in the hallways, maybe some moments of people laughing, etc. This montage will probably a good 15-20 seconds which will also include the credits, and tittle of the film.

    After the montage, it will go into a medium shot of Ana promoting an event for her photography club at school. Then it will most likely cut into a shot of Summer receiving her schedule (indicating she is a new student) followed by a tracking shot of her walking out of the front officer into the school a couple of steps near Ana.

    While Summer is looking at her new schedule, there is a long shot showing how they bump into each other which is their meet - cute. A close-up of both of them picking up their papers is shown, while Summer apologizes for making the mess she made which transitions to a two-shot of them finally making eye contact. The eye contact scene is supposed to show the intimate connection they share between each other as soon as they meet which shows the love at first sight. 

    Before they actually introduce themselves, they are interrupted by Caleb (Ana's boyfriend) which kind of ruin the moment for both of them. Ana leaves with Caleb to go to class and then Summer is left alone to find her way to her next class when the bell rings. It later then transitions into a shot of Summer walking into class and seeing Ana which provokes the question of what is going to happen next, are they going to talk? Are they going to ignore each other? Etc. 

Shot List:

    The shot list is just an idea of what type of shots I want to include in the montage and kind of like an order for me to process how the filming stage is going to go and between the beginning and end of my opening. I included a lot of Medium Shots because I want the close ups to be for more intimate things like the moment Ana and Summer meet. 


        For this project there is going to be a lot of common face that I have used in passed projects like the Music Marketing Project and Film Pitch Project. Our main 2 characters will be played by ..... who is playing Anna De Luna and Victoria will be playing our Summer Park. I have always loved working with these 2 and I believe they will do a great job of delivering the performance needed for this film. I will also be having some special guest from CBTV to help me film and make this opening as best as possible. I am still on the hunt for a Caleb for my opening, but it will soon be announced. 

Summer Parker                                                                             Ana de Luna

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Group Meeting

 We <3 Feedback!

In today's class we had ground meetings which gave us the opportunity to talk with our peers and discuss our ideas and plans for our film openings. During our discussion I got to listen to different ideas that were very interesting and helped me with really structuring the idea of my film opening. 

When it was my tour to explain my idea, I gave them a detailed plan of what is trying to be executed within my film opening including the mood boards, schedule, full plot of the film, etc. After speaking with my group, they suggested ideas that really helped open my mind like maybe changing the setting of where the story is based like a summer camp or an after-school activity. They also directed me to certain places that could be potential filming locations for example, if I end up switching it a Summer Camp environment, I could film places like at Markham Park or Vista View. 

Similarly, when the individuals in my ground presented their ideas, I tried to be as helpful as possible in order for them to overcome their obstacles within creating their film openings and I hope they take it into consideration to really help them create meaning. During these meetings, I want to try my best to give as much feedback as possible in order to elevate their films but also help them learn a little from my own personal experiences while making films. 

After the meeting, I took the time to consider everything that was said not just by my peers but also my advisor, and I have decided that the opening of my film will start with a meet-cute at the "promotion" of an after-school activity that Ana is organizing for photography club (emphasis on her love for photography) that Summer becomes interested in after she bumps into her while looking for a specific classroom. On my next blog post, I will be posting the storyboard and shot list, along with the possible script of their dialogue and choice of music for the opening. Hopefully a tittle idea will come along the way!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Editing Platforms and Equipment

 Preplanning Production and Postproduction


        Two of the main platforms I want to use for editing is Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. Adobe Premiere is one of the common editing platforms I have been using for the past couple of years and I really like all the features it includes and all the tricks and effects I can create within the platform. In addition, I will also be using Adobe After Effects to create the font and title of my film opening, there is also another effect I want to add during my opening, but I still need to learn how to develop it in the app. I also find Adobe After Effects very useful for titles because you can make really cool animations with the fonts and titles. 

Adobe After Effects    

  I will be using Adobe After Effects for a special effect I want to create between the 2 main lovers. This filter/ effect that is used to create a moment of love and desire (kind of like getting butterflies in your stomach) really helps to emphasize that feeling of falling in love within the first sight of a person. I have yet to figure out how to do it so I will be depending on YouTube, and other resources to create this effect. 


The main camera that is going to be used for this project will be provided by non-other than CBTV. The Cannon T8i is one of the most common cameras that people in the TV3 or Aftershock used to film their segments, so I will be using some of their equipment like microphones, lights, cameras, and tripods to create this film opening. 

For certain shots like the instant moment of falling in love at first sight will probably be filmed with a different camera called the Mark 4 which is one of the most advanced and professional cameras that we own. 

Since I am still trying to figure out exactly how I want to shoot the film opening, I will probably add equipment to this list, but it will really depend on the storyboard. 

Why I Might Change the Beginning?

        After talking to my advisor, I have realized I am limiting my imagination of how I can make this film have more meaning. There are so many ways I can start this film to provoke a question and really impact the audience in such a short amount of time, so some things may change according to the how the shooting of the film opening will go and how things turn out in the end. 


        For the next couple of weeks, I plan to follow a schedule to give myself enough time to really film and edit the opening to my liking while also developing a great executed project. 

Week of 2/20-2/25:
  • Find actors to play the role for the film opening. 
  • Create tittle of the story.
  • Land on a possible film opening or at least a strong idea. 
Week of 2/26-3/4:
  • Storyboard and create the shot list.
  • Location Scouting
  • Make the script for actors.
Week of 3/5-3/11:
  • Meet with cast and crew to set up dates of filming.
  • Start filming!
  • Finish filming and make sure there is no need for retakes.
Week of 3/12-3/18:
  • Start editing.
  • Figure out fonts.
  • Add special effects and tittle.
Week of 3/19-3/25:
  • Finish editing 
  • Add music and any other things needed for the opening.
Week of 3/26-4/4:
  • Get feedback from advisor and see what should improve.
  • Turn in project :)

        I believe this schedule will help me achieve my goal of creating an opening I am happy with while also doing my best of developing meaning through the different elements we have learned throughout the year. 


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Mise-En-Scene and Shot Composition


         To help me develop the best romance film I can make I am diving into more research to fully understand the importance of music, conflict, and specific shot composition to create a film opening that not only develops a question, but it creates meaning. 

More Romance!!

        Diving into the romance genre research a little more, I have learned that (as obvious) romance films are films that focus on passion, emotion, and the affectionate romantic involvement of the main characters. Their conflicts mainly include finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination, psychological restraints or family resistance. For our film we will mainly focus on the obstacles of family resistance, discrimination, and other love interest restrain that make the film more dramatic as this is a Romantic Drama. 

        Romantic films also serve as great escape and fantasies for viewers, especially if the two leads finally overcome their difficulties, declare their love, and experience their "happily ever after", often implied by a reunion and final kiss. Since there are many essential themes to romance like love at first sight, young and mature love, unrequited love, obsession, sentimental love, spiritual love, forbidden love, platonic love, sexual and passionate love, sacrificial love, explosive and destructive love, and tragic love, my film will be focusing on the theme of love at first sight and young and mature love.  An element that is really important for this opening is the use of music. In Romantic Dramas music is often used to indicate the emotional mood, creating an atmosphere of greater protection for the couple. 

Mise-En-Scene Elements:

From what I have seen and learned romance movies use a lot of 2 shots within the love interests. I believe they use this shot a lot to show interaction between the two lovers but to also show their behavior towards each other in public, private, and everything in between. 

Another common thing I have noticed is that the characters either have similar or different looks that complement each other's personalities and their love journey throughout the story. I believe they use these types of contrast/similar looks to create a deeper connection with not just the audience but with chemistry that the characters share.

I have also noticed that they use a lot of light and heartwarming lighting along the storyline to project that idea of being in love and they use more dark lighting when they want to show conflict between the main two love interest. 



For Ana and Summer's costume design, I made mood boards of specifics I want to include within their opening film outfit. For Ana, her main outfit includes blue jeans and a top that matches well with her color palette most preferably pink or yellow. For Summer, her main outfit consists of dark blue or black jeans and a simple but stylish colorful top like the sweater on the left of the second picture or maybe a little red blouse like the one in the middle of the second picture since red is part of her color pallet. Another thing I would love to add to Summer's outfit is mainly a green jacket or cardigan to show off that down to earth vibe within the opening of the film.


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Character Backgrounds

 People, People, and More People

        The process of fully coming up with character names and their personalities and what they are really like was somewhat an easy but also difficult progress. There are many important characters in this film but for this film opening I will be mainly focusing on 3 main characters. Ana, Summer, and Caleb. Girly-pop, Bookworm, and Boyfriend


        Ana De Luna is one of the two main characters within our film. She is a Hispanic 16-year-old girl who moved to Florida when she was around 5 years old. Her hobbies include photography, dancing, and listening to music. Her main colors are blue, pink, yellow, and green to represent how she’s not only honest, trustworthy, and comforting but also how she is a very humbled person who loves to spread positive energy towards others. I thought it was really important to include the Hispanic representation within this character because of her family issues with homosexual relationships, speaking from experience some Hispanics are not the biggest on homosexuality so it really makes a personal connection with audiences who struggle with the same problem as Ana. 


        Summer Parker is also one of the two main characters within the film opening. She is an American 16-year-old girl who has lived in the same place for all of her life until she moved to Florida for her dad's new job. Her hobbies include reading, manifestation with crystals, writing, and gardening. Her main colors are red, green, and black to represent how she isn’t just compassionate and very down to earth but also has good leadership skills and is a powerful person. One of Summers connection that she makes with the audience is her insecurities with her body. Many people in modern day society struggle with finding beauty within themselves because of social media trends, models, and distortions that manipulate the realism of a person versus what they want you to see on the internet. Summers character is mainly based as the love interest of Ana and how they fall in love with each other. 


        Caleb Jimenez is your typical 16-year-old dream boyfriend in every teenage romance movie. He's part Hispanic part American because his mom is from Argentina and his dad was born and raised in the United States. He is a straight A student, charismatic, funny, kind, and your gentleman type boyfriend that every girl moons over in at school. His hobbies include cooking, guitar playing, and working out at the gym, one thing about Caleb is that he can get jealous very easily which sometimes causes conflict between him and Ana. His color pallet is mainly red, dark green, and yellow to represent how he is also compassionate, optimistic, and very down to earth. He is very similar to Summer because of Ana's love type. Since Caleb and Summer share similar characteristics it makes sense that Ana falls for her because she is so much like Caleb but also different in a way because Summer isn't the jealous type unlike Caleb.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Storyline of Film Opening

 Our Love Story


After watching films/shows such as Crush, My Policeman, and Heartstopper and really brainstorming the idea that I want to project I have finally landed on a main storyline that connects with the type of opening I am thinking of creating for my film. 


        Our story starts with the interaction of 2 girls meeting at school with completely different lives. One is a girly-pop, popular but humbled, good student 16-year-old teenage girl who has struggles not just with her self-esteem but also with her family, on the aspect of them not approving homosexual love. The other is a very indie, down to earth, nice bookworm 16-year-old whose parents care a lot about her but can sometimes be very overprotective that causes them to not have many boundaries. Since there hasn't been any names developed for these characters, we are going to be referring them as girly-pop and bookworm. 

        Girly-pop and her boyfriend are sitting in first period together with the rest of her friends while she is finishing her homework that isn't due for another 3 days because she always likes to be ahead, the bell rings and Bookworm walks through the door as the teacher stops her and recognizes she is the new student. As the teacher introduces to the class who Bookworm is, Girly-pop and Bookworm make long eye contact sharing an intimate yet confusing moment as they are both mesmerized by each other, Bookworm is then asked to sit near Girly-pop in class.

Rising Actions:

        After a couple classes, Bookworm notices that Girly-pop didn't do so good on her last test. She offers her some tutoring and help so she can raise her grade in the class. While they start to do more sessions together, they build a friendship, and start to hang out together outside of school with Girly-pops friends and boyfriend to the point where Bookworm and Girly-pop go to a party together from one of Girly-pops friends. At the party they share a moment together expressing some deep secrets about themselves and family issues, as the moment continues to get more intense, they almost share a kiss but are then interrupted by Girly-pops boyfriend. After the party Girly-pop goes home and begins to question her feelings for her boyfriend and Bookworm, resulting in the realization that she might like both boys and girls. 
        A couple days after the party when Bookworm and Girly-pop are on their way to class, they are a little awkward since what almost happened at the party. During class they exchange notes agreeing that they need to talk, and her boyfriend "eavesdrops" since he is a little concerned about how Girly-pop has been really distant with him. 


        Girly-pop and Bookworm meet at the park to talk, and her boyfriend hides in a faraway spot for them not to notice him. They have a meaningful conversation about their feelings and about how Girly-pop might be bisexual (same as Bookworm). They reassure each other that they were going to keep this a secret until she found the right way to tell her boyfriend and break up with him, they finally share a kiss, but her boyfriend sees from afar and is upset and surprised. He goes out of his way to start telling his friends had happened and basically outs Girly-pop out of rage that even her parents end up finding out, the next day at school everyone is being distant from Girly-pop except for one of Girly-pops close friends that tells her what her boyfriend did and is in shock/ hurt that he did that to her. Many of people around school start to give funny looks to Bookworm because they start to consider her a homewrecker, as Girly-pop starts to freak out even more, she decides to tell Bookworm that they need some pace until things cool down because there is still a lot that needs to happen before they can be together. 

Falling Action:

        After a couple weeks, everything gets more settled but is still unresolved. Girly-pop came out to her parents and while they weren't the biggest enthusiast about it, they accepted her. Girly-pop has been trying to apologize to her ex-boyfriend for a while now, but he refuses to listen to her to the point where Girly-pop has to call decorum which is a code for them that no matter the situation they both agreed (a long time ago before they dated) that they would have a serious conversation with each other in order to fix a problem that would help them fix whatever problem was going on in the moment weather it was their friendship or status in their life it could have been something related to a personal problem, family issue, etc.
        Finally, he gives in, and they have a deep conversation about Girly-pops realization. Girly-pop explains that she didn't mean to hurt him and that her feelings just changed but she still cares about him since they have been friends for a long time. At first, he's very hurt because they usually tell each other everything including when their feelings change towards each other or something else in order to avoid arguments or fights. They make up and after things are finally settled, he asks why she hasn't seen Bookworm in a while, and then encourages Girly-pop to go after her because they deserve to be happy together. 


        The story ends with Girly-pop and Bookworm making up at the same spot they first kissed each other and finally agreeing to date publicly. The film ends with them enjoying their day at the park with upbeat music playing in the background along with credits.


        I am very happy with the story I have developed, and I'm excited to start developing the characters further as I already have some ideas of their styles and what they will look like as well as their color schemes, which I will be talking about on the next blog post. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Drama/Romance Research

 Love But with Conflict

          The main genre of the film I want to focus on is Romantic Drama, which is a sub-genre for the Romance genre. Romantic Drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love. The plot usually centers around an obstacle that is preventing love between two people. The obstacles in Romantic Drama film can range from a family's disapproval, to forbidden love, to one's own psychological restraints. Many Romantic Dramas end with the lovers separating because of an obstacle, the realization of incompatibility, or simply because of fate, but they can also end with a happy ending.

Romance In My Film

        In my film, part of the story line that is being approached includes conflict between the main 2 characters. According to it states, "Romance dramas tend to be shot in a very straightforward fashion without much need for effects of special camera moves." which will later help build the concept of camera techniques, lighting, and mise-en-scene elements wanted for my film opening. Another romance characteristic that should be included within this film opening is the use of good dialogue to develop a deep connection within the characters, along with making sure the characters and plot match with the target audience of 13-40 females. 

        Romance has very popular blended genres and the target audience for romantic films are 13- 40 because young and mature women are typically more affectionate and connected emotionally so they will get hooked to the characters and the love interest as well as feelings between them. Some examples of Romantic Dramas are (2) My Policeman - Official Trailer | Prime Video - YouTubeHeartstopper | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube, and Love, Simon | Official Trailer 2 [HD] | 20th Century FOX - YouTube


    Heartstopper is a Romantic Comedy-Drama that tells the story of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson and how they fall in love and work through the hardships of their relationship because of judgment, and personal troubles both characters go experience throughout the series. It was released on Aprill 22, 2022 and it quickly became one of the top hit shows on Netflix as it was nominated for many awards and was also renewed for a second and third season. This is a great inspiration for my film in view of the fact that the show mainly focuses on representation of the LGBTQ community and also goes a little in depth of common struggles gay teenagers go through as they are trying to understand themselves and their emotions. I will definitely refer back to this show many times in the creating of my film opening. 

    My Policeman is a Romantic Drama film that tells the story of Marion, Tom, and Patrick. At first, the film starts out in the present time when Tom and Marion are now an old couple, when Marion decides to bring Patrick back into their lives after so many years. Throughout the film, they describe the reasoning of why it is so hard for Tom to be welcoming towards Patrick and the stories of the past. This film was first shown at the Toronto International Film Festival in September of 2022 but then was later released on Prime Video on November of 2022. What I love about this film is the main conflict of a love triangle, which is a big idea I want to establish within my film opening. Not only does it do a great job showing everyone's point of view but it also makes the audience connect deeply with the characters as the story develops. I will definitely refer back to this film many times in the creating of my film opening.

    Love, Simon is a Romantic Comedy-Drama that tells the story of Simon Spier and the hardships of him finding his true love while also being comfortable with the coming out of his sexuality. Love, Simon premiered at the Mardi Gras Film Festival on February 27, 2018, and was released in the United States on March 16, 2018, by 20th Century Fox. This movie, a lot like Heartstopper, also represents the LGBTQ community in a much earlier date but also does a good job of the feeling and connection a character can have with the audience in the aspect of being outed by someone you though you could trust. This film also includes a big conflict I want to incorporate within the story line which is family issues in correlation to coming out.  I will definitely refer back to this film many times in the creating of my film opening.

Other Romantic Dramas:

Titanic 25th Anniversary | Official Trailer | In Theatres February 10th - YouTube

AFTER EVERYTHING Official Teaser (2023) After 5 - YouTube

EMPIRE OF LIGHT | Official Trailer | Searchlight Pictures - YouTube

Call Me By Your Name | Official Trailer HD (2017) - YouTube

Young Royals: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Introduction Of Cambridge Portfolio Project

 Just the Beginning

        This week in class we were introduced to the biggest and most exciting project of the year, our film opening! Honestly, I have been waiting for this project for a while since some friends who have taken it in the past years have told me it was an incredible project to work on, and since now I have gone in depth and learned the true meanings of what an opening should consist of, there are many ideas that are spiraling through my head that could potentially become the real thing, but I have finally been able to narrow it down to one main idea.

        In the past year, I've started to learn who I really am and the type of person I am becoming. Which is something I really want to imply within my film opening, in order to achieve the best result possible. I have chosen to work alone on this project but the main idea I had in mind was a Drama/ Romance within the realm of high school love. The different approach I'm trying to achieve though, is to incorporate the idea of LGBTQ+ romance in modern day society. Some of the shows/movies I am planning to research to better understand and develop my film is Moonlight, Heartstopper, Love Simon, and Crush. I am very excited to see where this takes me, and how I am going to develop this film opening! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Music Marketing Blog Post #2


                        Rock Music Marketing

        The process of creating an entirely new music brand can be a tedious process. But what is very interesting about it is the freedom of creating someone from the ground up, developing strategies that will ensure your brand is successful, and presenting it others who may consider it a great idea that can be accomplished based on the steps used. 


        As stated in my last blog, one of the main things that we did for our research is looking at different rock artist who are just starting to develop their brand or are already worldwide famous. Some of the examples that we investigated was the band Imagine Dragons, Bon Jovi, Kaleo, and John Harvie. Imagine Dragons, Bon Jovi, and Kaleo are some of the best-known rock bands of their time and have really great marketing strategies that made them very popular. While John Harvie is a new artist who has just started creating his brand a couple of months ago, creating a comparison between brands of today's time and a comparison between the brands from years ago. 
        One of the main things that every artist had in common is that everyone had a website that included hyperlinks to their streaming platforms, tour tickets, merch, or any type of events/ information on the artist themselves resulting in a base marketing tool for fans to use and learn about the band and as a way for new fans to learn more about them when they are first searched up on the internet. In addition, another similarity on the promotional aspect of the artist is that they all own an Instagram account that also promotes their upcoming music, tours, meet and greets, and other events within the artist. This is a great marketing tool since they are making their efforts to connect with their target audience which is between teens and young adults. 

Planning of Brand: 

        Another thing that was mentioned on our last blog was the planning process. The planning of our brand includes a lot of different ideas that can make our artist become more recognized and successful. One of the main things we have relied on to create a great marketing campaign is the research of our case studies and the lessons we have learned in class. For example, one of our marketing materials for our artist is to have a presence on social media along with creating technological and cross-media convergences such as merch and Ad's with companies, this is a helpful tool that engages the audience with the artist in more ways than one. By developing merch, and social media accounts fans are able to learn more about the artist and the message they are trying to convey. In addition, the process of creating a music video outline and a storyboard helped us determine the type of elements in film that we wanted to include with the purpose of involving more meaning within the music video itself. 
        One of the many challenges that we came across during the building of the brand is the type of representation and message we wanted to present while also being clear and cohesive. Identifying the main important factors that need to be used to develop a successful marketing campaign were a little difficult to identify because there are so many things that want to be added to make our artist more successful but there is also a lot of events that need to occur first before stepping into bigger marketing decisions. For example, if an artist starts to become recognized by playing at bars or local restaurants, the next step can't be having interviews with big magazine, radio, or television channels because they need to be a part of a record deal first to understand the process of growing and becoming a world-famous musician. 

Marketing Brand:

        For the gradualism of our artist (Violet Hart), we chose a basic 3 step progress. We are first starting with local restaurants as normal gigs with a flyer attached to let the audience know who is performing and where you can find more information about them. The second step is signing a contract with a record deal (Going for Elektra Records who is associated with Kaleo) and building more of a social media presence for example, instead of just having an Instagram and TikTok we would add a website on the internet. The third step includes releasing of new songs, doing interviews, meet and greets, and the release of her first music video which will follow up with merchandise of her new music.
        We chose to do these steps in order to build our artist audience and for her to also be able to connect with them. One of the many things we thought would be a good way to interact with them was with the use of a TikTok account. In modern society, many individuals in the ages of 14-25 (Violet's target audience) use that platform as their main source of social media, so to really match her audience with her brand that inclusion ensures that she would grow a fan base. In addition, the production part of our music video went as according to what we had in our plan. The elements we chose to use in order to better portray her story developed deeper meaning to her message and we believe it is a great marketing tool that will make the audience more interested on who Violet Hart is.


        The process of building our presentation was sort of difficult for our group. While we knew how to we wanted to portray our artist and developed the plan completely, we wanted to make sure our own audience understood what was trying to be accomplished through our brand along with the ideas we created to ensure that our artist was successful. Once figured we had a good structure, we practiced our slides to better understand our material fully so we would not depend on flashcards or the slides to explain our brand and the process of building it. While I do believe the slides could have been split more evenly, I believe we did a good job at keeping a pattern within the colors of our artist and presented it in a way that our audience enjoyed our idea.


        During the making of this project, there was a lot of things that I learned. One of the main things I learned that is not easy building someone from the ground up and making sure they become as successful as possible. For example, when brainstorming ideas of who our artist will be, we had a lot of ideas that revolve around the fact of her as a person and her background. In addition, I learned that it takes a lot of planning and effort to make something professional and well for other people to like it, and while there may be people who might not like or fully understand the concept of a person it's also good to know that many do. One of the many aspects that will help with the Cambridge Portfolio is the use of planning and thinking deep of the decisions being made. For example, having an outline for brainstorming or creating a plan is very helpful to process your ideas and how they can be developed fully. Also, time management is a great tool to have when creating a media project. Having a schedule to help you out on knowing how much time you have to plan, write, film, and edit a video can elevate it as a whole. I believe this was a great project that makes you understand the process of ay brand, no matter if its music, film, or print, it teaches you how to develop something that is good.


Critical Reflection

  The concept of “the ballad of bobby the blob” developed in a way that I was not expecting to come to me at all. Even though at first, I w...