Saturday, February 25, 2023

Finishing up Planning

 YAY Almost at Production :))


    I am very happy to almost be getting to our production stage of this project due to the fact that that is my favorite part of every film project is the filming. Our storyboard starts out with an Establishing drone shot of Cypress Bay indicating the environment of where the story is taking place. Then it's going to shot kind like a montage of different Medium and Close-Up shots of the school including people in class learning, lunch, people going to class in the hallways, maybe some moments of people laughing, etc. This montage will probably a good 15-20 seconds which will also include the credits, and tittle of the film.

    After the montage, it will go into a medium shot of Ana promoting an event for her photography club at school. Then it will most likely cut into a shot of Summer receiving her schedule (indicating she is a new student) followed by a tracking shot of her walking out of the front officer into the school a couple of steps near Ana.

    While Summer is looking at her new schedule, there is a long shot showing how they bump into each other which is their meet - cute. A close-up of both of them picking up their papers is shown, while Summer apologizes for making the mess she made which transitions to a two-shot of them finally making eye contact. The eye contact scene is supposed to show the intimate connection they share between each other as soon as they meet which shows the love at first sight. 

    Before they actually introduce themselves, they are interrupted by Caleb (Ana's boyfriend) which kind of ruin the moment for both of them. Ana leaves with Caleb to go to class and then Summer is left alone to find her way to her next class when the bell rings. It later then transitions into a shot of Summer walking into class and seeing Ana which provokes the question of what is going to happen next, are they going to talk? Are they going to ignore each other? Etc. 

Shot List:

    The shot list is just an idea of what type of shots I want to include in the montage and kind of like an order for me to process how the filming stage is going to go and between the beginning and end of my opening. I included a lot of Medium Shots because I want the close ups to be for more intimate things like the moment Ana and Summer meet. 


        For this project there is going to be a lot of common face that I have used in passed projects like the Music Marketing Project and Film Pitch Project. Our main 2 characters will be played by ..... who is playing Anna De Luna and Victoria will be playing our Summer Park. I have always loved working with these 2 and I believe they will do a great job of delivering the performance needed for this film. I will also be having some special guest from CBTV to help me film and make this opening as best as possible. I am still on the hunt for a Caleb for my opening, but it will soon be announced. 

Summer Parker                                                                             Ana de Luna

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