Tuesday, March 26, 2024

So Promotion?

 Go Follow us on all Socials!!

    So, update! I have been wrapping everything up before filming tomorrow and Thursday which I am very excited about. The game plan for tomorrow morning is to wake up early to get to Becon TV to get all the equipment, including the camera, my audio equipment, tripod, lights, and anything else I might need before shooting. Get that set and ready for filming so that around 3:30pm- 4pm we meet at Town Center to start filming the first part of my film. Tomorrow we would film scenes 2 and 3 and then Friday film the rest of the of it. But enough talk about filming let's talk about what I have been doing on the side. 

Social Media

    The reason I chose to use Instagram for my social media platform is because my main target audience is between 13-20 years of age and that age group tends to be more attracted to Instagram than other platforms. I also felt it was the more popular platform compared to other platforms like Twitter or TikTok.
     I've been trying to find content to upload to the social media as we have not really filmed anything but I'm glad that this film is part animation so since it has helped me give some content to the social media. In the last couple of days I have made 2 posts, the first one introducing the film name and promoting the fact it is coming out soon. I thought it was a good first post to show my audience what is coming and what they expect of the film. 
    The second post I made about our little main character Bobby the Blob! I wanted to introduce the audience to who Bobby is and wonder what type of character he is, he's personality, his ambitions, and more. I don't want to give too much away since I will be posting a lot more soon to the film release, but I do want the audience to get a sense of who Bobby is and that he is the main character of our story. However, social media is not the only thing I have been working on. 


    For the front of the post card, I made two versions as I felt that for this film, Althea plays a big part of it. Even though she is not one of the main characters, Althea is the reason Bobby gets to go t Earth in the first place which makes me want to highlight her more on the social media than she is in the actual film. For the first postcard (Left) I made Bobby the center of attention as the story revolves around him. I also made the word "Blob" in a different color to highlight how Bobby is different from other people within this film. At the bottom, I also added the directors name so people would know who it was created by and maybe check out some of my other work in the future. 
    For the second one (Right), I decided to add Althea talking to Bobby moments before they he leaves to Earth. Again, I feel that it's crucial to add Althea as she is the reason for this whole story but I'm also debating using the first one as the audience might confuse who is the main character here, they also might expect a lot more of Althea within the film if I choose the second one as the front of my postcard. 

    This is the back of the postcard that I have been working on, for the All-American High School Film Festival selection logo I had to fix the 2024 since I could only find the 2023 version of that logo. What I did is I created a white rectangle on Canva and put it over the original 2023 (where the 2024 is currently). Then I found a font as similar to the original 2023 font was and then placed it on the same spot so it could flawlessly blend in with the original logo. I felt that splitting the back of the postcard into 3 different sections made everything looked more organized and put together so people who differentiate between the screening times at the film festival, the social media, and the tittle of the film. 
    Soon I will be updating the final postcard, how filming goes tomorrow and the start of my editing process :)

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Critical Reflection

  The concept of “the ballad of bobby the blob” developed in a way that I was not expecting to come to me at all. Even though at first, I w...