Saturday, March 23, 2024

Film Festival Promotion?

 Wait! We need Postcards!

    For my film project, the main print component that Cambridge asks of us is a postcard. This is a very helpful tool to use when trying to promote films at Film Festivals as I have seen people hand out their own postcards at festivals such as the All-American High School Film Festival. Lately, I have been trying to look for inspiration but have not been able to find examples of big-time productions so I referenced my favorite place to look for inspiration: STUDENT FILM PROJECTS!


    Last year, my friend Wade was in the A level class of AICE Media Studies, being a big fan of his I referenced his blog a lot for help to write my own blogs from last year but also get inspiration of what to talk about in my blogs and what to post. Being a big fan and supporter of Wade, I watched his film last year "What You Watch". Since we had known each other for a while I had asked him about the film and how he came up with it and everything he did for his production because reading his blog isn't the same as listening Wade be so passionate about something he created. 

Since he's page has always been a good influence, I refer to his post card for many reasons. I love how simple but also detail Wade is with his postcards. The picture of the main actor Connor Lirio pointing at the audience with the title on top "What You Watch" I thought was a pretty clever idea as it indicated the viewer this film is targeting them. The contact info at the better shows a clear place of where to contact Wade and how to reach him which is perfect. I think the one thing I don't love about this back cover is how small the location is. Compared to the "Screenings" text, I would have made it smaller to make the location stand out more. But also, since he only has one location, I would not have put an s at the end of Screenings. I also don't love that he doesn't have the specific address as some people may get confused on where the place is if the Cinema he chose is a franchise. 

    However, the front of the postcard is just: chefs kiss. I feel that the front of this cover is not just eye catching but also so interesting since it catches the color scheme of the film and the way the light shines on Wades face is so beautifully done it's so incredible. I also like that the text is big and bold to make sure audiences know what the film is called and who it is by. I think for my post card I will definitely be using this as a reference to make my own postcard for my film. 


    Since I can't just relay on Wades post for inspiration (Although I wish I could) I began to look for other inspiration for my postcard in other student projects. I found this postcard from a student project in 2021 called Box. What I like about this postcard is the fact that they have the logo of the festival that film will be shown at. I feel that if you are going to a film festival it is important to identify the name but also logo of the place as many people might not even recognize it through the name but maybe through its logo or graphic design (if you have cool photographic memory, I suppose why you could not remember the name too but hey I'm also guilty for this). 
    What I also like about this post card is that it has multiple dates giving the audience the chance to see this film more than once. The one thing I don't love is how the text doesn't blend well with the Background. For my postcard, I will try my best to make sure it blends nicely like it did in Wades but, that it has the specific address of the screenings and different days people can view my film is it can become more popular by being more specific of where it might be. 

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